To create your own financial forecasts
A fantastic resource for Business, Accounting and Economics students, free to use on the Your Financial Model website
Input data to generate financial forecasts.
Perfect for modelling in lessons, or for students to access for BTEC and OCR coursework and lesson activities.
Exemplar PDF to showcase how the website works is attached.
A spreadsheet designed to calculate and predict the overall grades of BTEC students according to the value of pass, merit and distinction in the varying units
I created this as my students very often ask me about the liklihood of them achieving merit/distinction overall after recieving individual unit grades, and found this easy to illustrate the values of each unit and the impact of them on the overall grade
This was designed with Business Studies BTEC Level 3 in mind but can be edited to other subjects using the point values on given specifications on the Pearson website
A series of resources to cover average, total and marginal costs, average, total and marginal revenues, and profit. Including past paper questions and links to online resources.
Students have a short period to guess the logo behind the bricks (either write down in silence or compete for the first answer). Answers at the end of the powerpoint. I have used this to introduce promotion in marketing and the idea of how aware students are of logos/slogans etc, but could be used for any subject as a starter.
Methods of production lesson:
Powerpoint outlining job and flow production with embedded video examples and quick tasks.
Production line activity with one half of the class as a factory using job production and one half using flow production.
Need glue, colouring pencils and scissors.